COVID Travel Restrictions and Entry Rules: Centre for Latest Updates

Global EAT - COVID Travel Restrictions and Entry Rules
Anse Beach is Grenada's most renowned and popular beach known for its one and a half mile of sheltered soft, white sand. (Photo by Huge Whyte on Unsplash)

COVID travel restrictions are lifted but not all entry rules for travel to some of the world’s popular destinations. Get the latest updates before you travel?

COVID travel restrictions have severely impacted many tourism-dependent economies that rely heavily on foreign tourism.

Top countries with the highest share of GDP generated by direct travel and tourism globally include Maldives, Seychelles and many small island developing states in the Caribbean, cited the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

Global EAT - COVID Travel Restrictions and Entry Rules
UNWTO/IATA Travel Tracker provides global information on COVID-19 related travel regulation. (UNWTO)

Entry Rules Vary

Travellers are returning with a vengeance as borders re-open. Increased vaccination rates, pent-up demand and accumulated savings have resulted in a sudden surge in travel bookings. The coming summer is expected to be the busiest travel season since the start of the pandemic.

Some countries have dropped all of their travel restrictions as they shift from crisis phase and into a more manageable ‘endemic’ mode. Among them are the United Kingdom and the European Union.

Others are approaching their border re-opening with caution as the global pandemic remains in flux. Some destinations  require visitors to have travel medical insurance to cover COVID-19 related illness prior to arrival.  They include destinations such as Aruba, Cuba, Thailand and Turkey.

IATA Travel Centre

The online Travel Centre is an excellent free one-stop shop where air travellers and businesses can obtain reliable and updated information on travel and health document regulations worldwide.

You can also check if your documentation meets the travel requirements of your destination.  Access details on customs import and export regulations relating to items such as pets, airport departure taxes, and currency import and export restrictions.

Entry requirements may differ for land crossings and sea arrivals. Check with the destination’s consulate or embassy on their latest requirements.

Global EAT - COVID Travel Restrictions and Entry Rules
The COVID-19 travel regulations map is a handy tool for complete and timely information provided by Airlines and Government Agencies worldwide. (IATA)

Insurance – Cancel for Any Reason

Planning to travel. Check the entry admission rules of your travel destination prior to embarking on your journey.  Travel advisories are subject to rapid change. Countries may change entry requirements and close their borders at very short notice.

Purchase “Cancel for any reason” insurance when you book your trip to avoid last minute change to entry requirements. Criteria vary depending on the insurer.

Related: Travel Insurance: Do You Have Enough Coverage, and What You Need to Know?

The coverage gives you the option to cancel your trip for a reason not listed under your trip cancellation coverage. The insurer will reimburse you for a percentage of the prepaid, forfeited, non-refundable payments or deposits for insured trip arrangement(s) up to the maximum limit.